Nancy Pelosi's Influence Leads Biden to Rethink 2024 Reelection: A Testament to Her Power and Strategy

Nancy Pelosi’s influence led President Biden to reconsider his 2024 reelection bid, showcasing her unmatched power and strategic prowess within the Democratic Party.

Jul 24, 2024

Nancy Pelosi’s influence led President Biden to reconsider his 2024 reelection bid, showcasing her unmatched power and strategic prowess within the Democratic Party.

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s significant influence recently played a crucial role in President Biden’s decision to end his candidacy.

Multiple reports indicate that Pelosi, renowned for her firm legislative skills and confrontations with Republicans, was instrumental in urging President Biden to reconsider his 2024 reelection bid.

“Nancy made it clear that they could take the easy route or the hard route,” a Democrat familiar with private discussions told Politico. “She gave them three weeks for the easy route. The hard route was imminent.”

The hard route could have involved Pelosi revealing damaging internal polls showing Biden losing states he had easily won in 2020. It might have also led to Pelosi and other Democratic leaders openly stating it was time for Biden to step down. Current House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer reportedly had candid discussions with the president about bowing out, but Pelosi’s position was seen as particularly impactful due to her standing in the party.

Pelosi’s ability to sway the president was unsurprising given her unique position of power among Democrats, earned over two significant terms as House speaker and more than three decades as a lawmaker. As speaker, she oversaw the passage of key policies like the Affordable Care Act, Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform, and the American Rescue Plan, successfully uniting a divided caucus behind these initiatives. Over the years, she has built deep relationships across the party and with various presidents, including Biden, while leading the House.

Pelosi’s achievements and extensive connections have bolstered her influence, highlighting her focus on results, even at the cost of personal or political fallout. She is known for standing by her convictions, whether confronting former President Donald Trump or using her political clout to persuade others to support her policies.

These traits were evident in how she managed the Democrats’ Biden dilemma, subtly pressuring the president to step aside through various means, including appearing on his favorite television shows, leveraging her network, holding direct conversations, and ultimately, according to reports, delivering an ultimatum.

Her recent actions were likely driven by a desire to win and concerns that Biden could jeopardize down-ballot House races, according to polls. Overall, they underscore Pelosi’s uniquely influential role within the party and her adept use of power.

Pelosi’s influence stems from her willingness to take tough stances and her effectiveness in achieving results. Her success in passing health care reform, a goal that eluded many Democratic speakers, is a prime example of her leadership credentials.

To unify a diverse and divided Democratic caucus around the Affordable Care Act, Pelosi spent countless hours addressing members’ concerns. For instance, she leveraged the importance of Rep. Joe Donnelly’s Catholic background by having the president of Notre Dame, his Catholic alma mater, make a personal call.

Pelosi’s handling of the ACA demonstrated her commitment to outcomes, even at a high political cost. “She ultimately was willing to lose the speakership if it meant that Americans would have health care in perpetuity,” said Molly Ball, author of a Pelosi biography. The political backlash following the House’s passage of the ACA in 2009 led to the Democrats losing the House in the 2010 midterm elections.

Her readiness to face difficult consequences to achieve her goals was evident in her tough conversations with Biden, despite the potential reputational risks.

Beyond her policy successes and electoral victories, Pelosi is also known for her vocal opposition to Trump, which has reinforced her image as a strong leader focused on preventing his return to power.

“She’s the single most consequential legislator of our time. So, you know, people trust her guidance, they trust her judgment. And she’s gotten more done than anybody else,” Drew Hammill, Pelosi’s former deputy chief of staff, told Vox.
