What Makes Leos So Emotional?

Why is Leo so emotional? Leo's may not appear emotional on the surface, but for those that are born under this sign or who are close to Leo.
By Rose · Email:srose@horoscopesnews.com

Mar 24, 2022


Why is Leo so emotional? Leo's may not appear emotional on the surface, but for those that are born under this sign or who are close to Leo. They can know just how emotional Leo can really be and today will be investigating exactly what it is that can make Leo's such an emotional creature.

Those born between July 23rd and August 22nd exhibit the attitude of a lion-like sign symbol beneath their showy exterior. However, Leo conceals a deeply emotional and often touchy personality. This comes as no surprise when their zodiac is closely examined. Leo is ruled by the Sun fire and the Fifth House. Each of these governing forces contributes to Leo's powerful persona. They also create the emotional tempest.

That Leo's are known. Leo in general tends to radiate power. They are born leaders and their warm personalities draw people in like the lion, They are strong and ambitious, no prey is too large for Leo.

The chase is as thrilling to Leo as a victory and Leo is rarely satisfied for long. Nothing is powerful enough to make a Leo compromise his or her independence. This does not mean they are not wonderful partners.

Leo's are warm loving and fiercely protective. They are also prickly to a fault when it comes to pride. Leo's ruling planet is the Sun. The sun rules the solar system. Leo similarly thinks that they are born to rule this egocentric viewpoint makes. Leo's powerful leaders, it is also a source of arrogance and destruction.

The Sun gives life to the world. Leo embodies that light and has the power to stimulate growth and stop it entirely. The Fifth House governs Leo. The Fifth House is concerned with Children and their creativity. Leo's love to embrace their inner child. This is obvious when Leo's are around Children or engaged in play with friends and loved ones.

The Fifth House is also the House of romantic love and enjoyment. Leo love to have a good time. Fire is unpredictable and insatiable. So are Leo's. Fire gives off the light and warmth that are associated with the Leo personality energy is rarely drained, but it requires constant feeding.

Leo's draw their strength from the love and support of their friends, families, and admirers. Leo's ambition knows no limits, and they go to great lengths to provide fuel for their inner flame. The power of the Sun, the childlike nature of the Fifth House, and the insatiable element of fire make the majestic Leo and emotional soul their pride is very touchy.

Leos are easily offended by slights both real and imagined. Their strong personality ironically easily offends others. This makes it hard for Leo's to understand the consequences of their actions. Fire and Children tend to be unpredictable.

Leo's mood swings are forceful and come without warning. Their warm inner heart is often at odds with their forceful personality. This frustrates Leo and further contributes to the emotional turbulence of the lion. Leo might not be as emotional as some of the more sensitive signs like Cancer, but their forceful personalities make Leo's emotional outbursts seem larger-than-life, this can be at times difficult for friends and family to tolerate.

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