A Lone Wolf on the Red Carpet: Hugh Jackman's Met Gala Snap Sparks Fan Frenzy

Fans of Hugh Jackman noticed some "sad" elements in the snapshot he shared on Instagram before the Met Gala.
By Rose · Email:srose@horoscopesnews.com

May 08, 2024


Sharp-eyed followers of Hugh Jackman noticed some surprising elements in the picture he posted prior to the Met Gala. Jackman, who has been a consistent presence at the event alongside his wife Deborra-Lee Furness since 2004, made a solo appearance on the red carpet this year, following their separation earlier in 2024.

The Instagram update showcased Jackman in what seemed to be his New York bachelor pad, dressed in a recognizable suit. The caption added a poignant note - the exact Tom Ford tuxedo he wore for his inaugural Met Gala appearance alongside his former spouse in 2004. "My original Tom Ford tuxedo," he penned, "Refitted and repaired."

While some fans admired the emotional tribute to his ex-wife, others were drawn to the background clutter. An assortment of books, bowls, and seemingly out-of-place items littered the floor, prompting concern. "Hugh should consider furnishing his apartment," remarked one sympathetic net friend, "Poor guy. Still looks dashing, though." Another echoed the sentiment, asking, "What's in the bowl on the floor?"

This peek into Jackman's life emerges against a backdrop of reports detailing the support from his close-knit family following the unforeseen end of his long-term relationship. After nearly three decades of marriage, Jackman and Deborra-Lee Furness revealed their separation in late last year. Sources suggest that their two children, Ava and Oscar, have been a source of unwavering support for their father during this difficult period.

"Ava and Oscar really rallied around him and it's made a huge impact," revealed a close friend to Women's Day. "He always looks so happy when he's with those two." The source elaborated on their growing bond, "They know him better than he does and are constantly surprising him. They've become closer than he could have imagined and he can confide in them, whereas before he'd turn to Deb."